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133 lines
Ver: 3.0 07-12-88
Copyright 1988 by Valerie Jean Kramer
Display printmaster graphics files on your screen with GETART!
GETART will read a printmaster or printmaster+ art folder and display the
graphic images on the screen. 15 images can be seen on the screen at once.
To start the program, just type the program name at the DOS prompt:
C: >getart
You will be prompted for the name of the file you want to examine.
You may give a complete DOS path name including drive letter and path.
The file's extension should NOT be typed. For example, you could respond
rather than D:\PM\GALLERY1.SHP
The program pauses after filling a screen and waits for a key to be hit
before clearing the screen and displaying the next page. You can use the
DOS Shift-PrtSc feature to print the screen at this time. Be sure that
you have loaded GRAPHICS.COM or whatever program your printer needs
before starting GETART. If you don't know how to print graphics images
on your printer, include your printer's make and model and a request for
help when you register the program. I will try to get you going but I
do NOT guarantee success as there are too many types of printers and too
many other strange things that can go wrong!
If there are changes or features you would like to see,
please drop me a note!
You are encouraged to share this program with your friends, your club,
your BBS, etc. If you like the program, find it useful, and would like
to register for updates, send $15 to:
Valerie Jean Kramer
P.O. Box 10742
Burbank, CA 91510-0742
Thank you.
02-08-88 Release 1.0 first released to public.
02-14-88 Release 2.0 completely re-written in "C". MUCH faster!
Release 1 allowed an "x" at the end-of-page pause to cancel the
program. This has been removed in release 2 because the improved
speed makes this unnecessary.
Release 2.0 is designed to be compatible with Hercules Graphics
and CGA equipped systems or any that can emulate a CGA. If you
are interested in support for other graphics devices, let me know.
I could get twice as many images on an EGA screen but the aspect
ratio looks funny. Any preferences?
07-12-88 Release 3.0 bug fixes and updates
Fixed a bug in handling long picture names causing garbled display.
Fixed the program so that when you give the printmaster graphics
library name on the command line, you don't see the copyright/
instructions screen -- you go direct to the first picture screen.
Added a screen number to the file name at the bottom of each screen.
Added the ability to hit a "q" to exit the program from any
picture screen. Added the (Q to Quit) message at the bottom
of the screen.
GETART Registration Form
GETART is a not public domain. it is Copyright 1988 by Valerie Jean Kramer.
It is distributed as "shareware". You have the right to try it, copy it
for your friends, post it on bulletin boards, etc. You may not charge a
fee for the program except that a fee for materials and copying, not to
exceed $4.00 per disk may be charged. If, after trying GETART, you like
it and wish to continue using it, you must send this registration form
along with $15 as shown below. In return, you will be entitled to receive
the most recent version, limited technical support, and will be notified of
other upgrades or products available. This registration will be valid for
all PC's at the registered address.
Thank you for supporting the ShareWare concept!
Your Name: ______________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ______________________________________________________
Phone Number: (_____) ______________________________________________
What version of GETART do you have? ____________________
Where did you get it? ________________________________________________
What type of video hardware do you use? CGA, EGA, VGA, MCGA
Hercules Mono, Other (specify)
What printer do you have? _____________________________________________
Do you need help printing the screens? Yes! No, Thanks.
Describe your difficulty: _____________________________________________
Today's Date: ______________________
Please print this form, fill it out, and send it with $15 to:
Valerie Jean Kramer
P.O. Box 10742
Burbank, CA 91510-0742